5 summer plants to have in plenty of sunshine

08 de July, 2020

Decorating is synonymous with dreaming. And now that summer and good weather are approaching, there are many of us who are looking forward to getting our terraces ready, cleaning them and decorating those pots with flowers and plants suitable for the sun. We're at that time of the year that encourages us to live with joy and outdoors by surrounding ourselves with colours. There's nothing more beautiful than enjoying a garden and a terrace brimming with life, right?

With today's article we want to suggest to you five summer plants to have in the sun. That doesn't mean they don't need watering, though. If you're going to be away for a few days on holiday you can install a watering system. Here’s a list of flowers so you can be inspired and choose the one that suits you best.

The geranium

There are more than 400 varieties of geranium. They are well known thanks to the famous Cordoba and Seville courtyards, although they come from South Africa. The most popular variety is Pelargonium hortorum.

Geraniums need at least 6 hours of sun, so if you are a beginner choose those that already have flowers, put them near a window or on a terrace, and if they're in the right place you’ll notice how the buds keep growing. Just like life itself.

Water them twice a week in summer and once in winter. Avoid overwatering the flowers as this will cause mould and other diseases.

Remember to remove dead flowers to prevent them from consuming the plant's energy. Enjoy your geraniums in summer!

Surfina or Petunia

It's perfect for a hanging plant. They really start to flower from May to autumn. Which is why it’s a beautiful colourful alternative for your garden or terrace during the summer months. It needs a lot of sun and not too much water as this will cause them to turn yellow.

Peach-leaved bellflower

This beautiful trumpet-shaped flower is at risk of extinction which makes it more delicate and special.


This flower is also from South Africa. It stands up very well to high temperatures and water shortages. Its flower is often used as an ornamental plant.


In Spain, this flower is known as “joy of the home” and at this time of year it was necessary to have a plant that would live up to its name and be able to transmit joy. It withstands direct sunlight but never the midday sun.

Which one of all these plants will you choose? Do you know any more?